Week 8
This week I worked on the hardware of the TE400. I ripped each pot off the PBC and found each value and resoldered on a new pot. It was tedious and I ended up loosing a bunch of the tiny resistors, so we pivoted and bought another TE 400 and will solder on top of each of the pots. I worked a bit more on the module divider but didn’t make a lot of progress, but did get super fustruated at the cutting software.
Additionally, I played around with soft sensors and fabric capacitors as there is a possibility that we might go that route in textures for tactile accessibility. I found everything to be pretty finiky and had to restart my microcontroller and finetune my ardiuno code that it wasn’t very successful.
Finally, I was a part of my first in person design study which went really well. I am a research assistant for a friend of mine’s research in tactile programming languages.